Spring Back Into Resilience

Resilience is a mind-set, a way of working, an ability to adapt to change, positively change direction when required to gain clarity at pace to lead self and others. When leaders shine the way with a resilient mindset others will naturally follow and in time develop similar traits and ways of working.

Developing a resilient mind-set begins with self - it requires a reflective practice on learning from past mistakes, errors and personal beliefs. It requires managers to remain focussed, keeping a perspective on the task in hand particularly during difficult situations. 

This workshop looks at the business end of developing your own levels of resilience, how to develop these positive traits through personal reflection and ways of working.

Workshop Options:

  • A fast-track, 1-day session
  • A comprehensive, 2-day masterclass.

Programme Highlights: Focus, Impact, & Outcomes

  • Recognise our own levels of resilience and where such traits come from
  • Reflect on resilience - how can we identify the positive and not so positive ways of working
  • Link strategic focus areas to give us greater clarity and meaning
  • Caving in to frequent changes in direction - how to develop bounce back in a short period of time
  • Put into practice the 7 C's of resilience - competence, confidence, connection, character, coping and control
  • Self belief and the task in hand - developing agility to ride the waves of uncertainty
  • Developing your ABC's of resilience - managing adversity, beliefs and consequences - learning how to manage and develop these
  • Self-management - developing the capacity to adapt
  • The CPD of resilience